The shock state can be either protective or destructive, depending on several variables.
Shock is extremely protective when traumatic things happen to us. For example, in a car accident where we see the other vehicle coming toward us, the crash or accident is inevitable and we suddenly
I hear over and over people having lots of plans, hopes and dreams but somehow that doesn’t seem to translate into success for them. Why not and how can this be changed?
The first reason for not manifesting goals is that we get distracted by other things and forget our original motivation. One day we may be all excited about losing weight and
To heal resistance to life, first one needs to become aware that it is an issue for you.
We have given you a beginning introduction to existential issues and specifically the one called resistance to life, one of the most
The vast majority of people go through life mostly unconscious or unaware. Due to this pervasive unconsciousness, most of us are not aware of our Soul’s journey to this earth, not aware of our actual conception experience, and very unaware of our time in our mother’s womb and how those womb experiences are affecting us now. Just because we are unaware
Traditionally, most psychotherapists, social workers, addiction specialists or treatment facilitators may wonder what birth and death issues have to do with the work we do. Traditionally, birth issues have been left up to the medical profession, while death and dying has been left up to religious professionals. The presenting problems of our clients/patients
What makes The Wellness Institute’s Altered State Psychodrama modality different from other forms of psychodrama?
We have looked (in our last blog post) at the benefits of doing Heart-Centered Therapies in groups, benefits
These are some of the many benefits of doing therapy and growth work in groups.
A physician was asking me yesterday, “How can hypnotherapy work with a patient who is addicted to pain medication? sleeping