I hear over and over people having lots of plans, hopes and dreams but somehow that doesn’t seem to translate into success for them. Why not and how can this be changed?
The first reason for not manifesting goals is that we get distracted by other things and forget our original motivation. One day we may be all excited about losing weight and we decide to go to the gym and work out. Maybe we even purchase a membership and get a personal trainer. After a few weeks or months, we seem to lose interest or just get too busy, and pretty soon, like many things in our lives, we are on to something else.
The second reason for not achieving success is that on a deeper level, we may have doubts about ourselves that we aren’t even aware of. For example, many people set financial and business goals and yet have an internal ceiling that will not allow them to bring in any more money than they believe (subconsciously) that they deserve.
The third reason is that perhaps we know our goal but are not really sure about how to reach it. So if our goal is to work fewer hours and bring in more money, we are baffled about how to do that. Many therapists work long hard hours seeing very distressed clients, and at the end of the day have to fill out stacks of insurance claims that take months to become actual cash reimbursements. It can be frustrating and discouraging with no end in sight.
The Wellness Institute has been built and found success through one main principle that is called Master-Minding. This is a process developed seventy years ago by some of the most successful people in the world and it continues to work for all of our students.
Master Minding has been found to greatly expedite reaching goals because of the support provided by others and by the regularity of meeting. Also other people often see through our roadblocks, excuses and fears that may arise when setting goals. Thousands of our students have become extremely successful professionally, financially and personally in ways they never would have imagined possible without the loving support of their Master Mind group.