The many troubling symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder are broken down into these DSM-V diagnostic categories: Exposure, Intrusion, Avoidance, Alteration, and Arousal. Hypnotherapy is highly effective in the treatment of PTSD because it goes right to the root of these symptoms.
Below is an overview of each of those five areas,
We all have a stress switch in our nervous system and in our brain. Sometimes I think of it as the “trickster” within. The good news: hypnotherapy can help you treat stress. Let’s begin to find what activates this switch and what can turn it off.
We have all been taught to do relaxation
Today, we're going to talk about treating trauma by breaking through dissociation that is so common with traumatic events.
Many traumatized individuals alternate between re-experiencing their trauma and being detached from, or even relatively unaware of the trauma and its effects. It can be very confusing, for the individual and for those
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unbidden obsessive thoughts and/or compulsory physical activities that are experienced as dysfunctional. Some OCD conditions are clearly genetic; research has demonstrated the significant role played by heredity. Some OCD conditions can be explained by certain information-processing deficits and/or