So many people are longing for more meaning in life. Perhaps you have wanted to experience more in life but you don't know how to reach it. You've been reading books and trying to find answers to some basic areas of interest:
What is your life-work/Soul Purpose?
Discover your own Spiritual Path
What are the "Life Lessons" you are here to work through
Birth Issues and how they affect your relationships
Heart-Centered Meditation and Chakra Opening
Learn to Identify your own personal Karmic issues
Past Lives
This is an EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP designed to give you the answers you have been looking for. It meets for five weekends over a five-month period, providing a loving and accepting environment for the challenge of profound personal growth.
Personal Transformation supports you in your spiritual path, whatever that is. Through the use of a variety of Heart-Centered trance techniques, you will learn to open up to Soul Work and to discover a much broader aspect of who you really are and what your purpose is at this time on earth.
Read more about Personal Transformation Intensive from one of our journals and see how PTI changed one student’s life.
Hypnotherapy (a dramatic combination of traditional hypnosis, Gestalt approaches, and energy work);
Discover your own Spiritual Path
Breath Therapy (sometimes called "conscious connected breathing" or "rebirthing," integrates one's emotional, physical and spiritual healing);
Energetic Psychodrama (an awesomely powerful form of psychodrama that incorporates trance work and energy work within a traditional psychodrama format);
Subtle body energy work and Soul Psychology (work with and heal the causes of emotional and physical imbalance where they first manifest, in the energy field);
Kundalini meditation.
Heart-Centered healing modalities utilize (1) altered-states of consciousness to access unconscious material, (2) a deeply experiential approach, (3) an acknowledgment of the vital role of the client's own spiritual connection, and (4) an unfailing link with the unconditional love accessed through his/her heart center. PTI providers are thoroughly trained in the clinical techniques used, and have at least three years' advanced training at The Wellness Institute in hypnotherapy, breath work, and psychodrama.
If you can't find a PTI Near You on our web page, please fill out the below form.