To improve security for HCT Association members, we've created a secure username and password login. To log in to the new HCT member website for the first time click "Change My Password" below and follow the forgot password process. You will receive an email with instructions on how to change your password.
Have questions? Call us at (800) 326-4418 between 8:30am – 5:00pm PT, Monday through Friday, and our member services team will be happy to assist you.
Membership is open to anyone certified by The Wellness Institute as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and who is using the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® modality professionally as it is taught and practiced by The Wellness Institute.
Membership is renewable annually, subject to continued professional use of the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy modality, and adherence to the Code of Ethics on the Application for Membership.
Membership expires at the end of the twelve months, and if membership is not renewed, the members lose the right to use the trademarked name Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy.®
For more information about joining the Heart-Centered Therapies Association, call us at (800) 326-4418.
Free subscription to the semi-annual Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies. Read an example of what you will recieve when you get the article: Journal 14-1 (2011): Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in the Milieu of Integrative Medicine: Healing the mind/Body/Spirit
Ebsco Host Research Database
"Members Only" discounts for conference registrations for our Heart Centered Therapies Conference.
Free Clean-Break Program
Authorized use of the trademark. Use the trade name "Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy" with this executed trademark license agreement.
Find a Therapist Members that are certified with The Wellness Institute will be listed in the Heart-Centered Therapies Association referral database on our Find a Therapist web page.
These first sets of webinars to be introduced are the Marketing Webinars. Jesse Hartman has designed this series to enable you to have a full functional operational marketing plan in place in one year; or an enhanced plan if you already have a practice.
Eligible to submit research and articles to the Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies
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Diane's classic digitized Self Improvement Programs and Professional Trainings
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