The TRIM-LIFE® Program is specifically designed for people who have tried many diet programs and have discovered that diets don’t work. TRIM-LIFE® is taught by Wellness Institute professionals, therapists and medical personnel who have been trained to help them discover the underlying emotional eating issues that may have been plaguing them all of their lives.
Many people can release weight and keep it off for weeks, months and even years. However, if an emotional trigger appears in their life, a stressful event such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or a divorce, the weight may suddenly re-appear seemingly overnight. TRIM-LIFE® guides the participant to discover these triggers, these unhealthy emotional eating patterns and to change them where they reside – in the subconscious mind.
Facilitator videos and resources now completely online
Content contributors include The Cleveland Clinic, a licensed provider of The Trim-Life Weight Release Program.
To find a TRIM-LIFE provider in your area please see TRIM-LIFE Provider List webpage.
I taught 29- 8-week classes and gave it a spin of my own as I moved through the years. I have to say that as I grew in a deeper holistic way, the class content continually changed and I observed the participants transforming before my very eyes.
That class was the catalyst for opening each client up to his/her full life potential. I witnessed miracles happening in every class that I taught and was delighted with the healing process that took place in each class participant.
It was a perfect way to move clients from denial to clarity in regard to their painful pasts that manifested in weight issues. Clients soon learned that when they healed what was under the food addiction, it had a way of dissipating and lost its power over them.
Much Love to both of you,
Elaine Simione
Trim Life was, for me, the answer to my lifetime struggle with feeling as though I had no control over my eating choices; I had become resigned to gaining weight and having no self-control. I now am able to listen to what my body is actually wanting rather than eating unconsciously, and as it turns out, my body has known all along that fresh, healthy food is exactly what I needed! I now crave exercise and connection with others, rather than unhealthy food, which is a huge shift for me. I feel better, emotionally and physically, and know that I have the tools to maintain it. This group was life-changing and I am thankful every day that I made the decision to do it. -Shannon
Trim Life has worked wonders for me. I never thought there would be a day I didn't have my Mt. Dew! Don't want it, don't crave it! It is wonderful to release weight without being on a "diet" or feeling deprived. Gwen Welch-Slaff is amazing and has given me the tools I need to have a healthy relationship with food. - Malia
After almost 30 years of struggling with weight and food addiction, Trim Life, in just a few weeks, put an almost complete halt to my struggles with food. The simple tools and methods I learned from the Trim Life program are so easy to use at any time, it is almost magical! - Andrea
Attending the Trim Life classes with Gwen has helped me understand my issues and relationship with food. The information I've learned in the program has given me tools to use in dealing with my battle with weight loss. Sharing the problems and triumphs with others inspires me to continue on! - Ellen