In March of 2007 my son Tommy was invited to a prom in Palm Beach, Florida. We live in Ohio so it meant he would stay with his date’s family. He asked if I could go with him as his date’s parents were long time family friends. My wife suggested I find a continuing education class in hypnosis available during the time I would be there. I
Most people experience shock at one time or another in their life. And a great majority of people are in shock, in one form or another, on a daily basis.
Shock may begin early in life and then build up as life’s stresses increase, or it may result
In the previous blog we discussed shock and secondary traumatic stress as it relates to first responders. We introduced the concept of shock as a primary physiological symptom of traumatic stress, and how many of us “self-medicate” our chronic stress with food and drink, as well as caffeine, drugs, and other substances and behaviors.
We have read thousands of articles, studies and theories about the growing obesity problem in our country and many of them have some validity. But the one newly identified physiological cause is shock.
Shock is the physiological response to trauma in our lives
Shadow parts of ourselves live in the recesses of our subconscious mind. They are the blind spots that we may catch a glimpse of, and then they disappear in an instant. They return with a vengeance to create behavior that embarrasses us, creates conflict with others, and prevents us from making the healthy choices
People who are affected by shock in their lives often have survived traumas of various types. Many of the traumas we refer to in our case examples in our book
I recently met two sweet sisters who sincerely wanted to stop sucking their thumbs (actually it was their fingers rather than thumb that they constantly had in their mouths). The girls were wearing braces but still could not stop the behavior.
Their single mother was also highly motivated to have the girls stop sucking their thumgs since she
A good night’s sleep is important to one’s physical and mental restoration. In particular it has a positive impact on memory and the functioning of the immune system. However, many people have a difficult time getting as much restful sleep as they need. Individuals with sleep disturbances can be successfully treated with
We all know someone that just does not seem to connect with the people in their life in a real way. They can carry on a conversation, hold a job, keep a marriage together, and raise their children. But there seems to be something basic missing. They seem to be acting the way they think they are supposed to, or the way others around them act – indeed,
One of the gifts that Robin Williams had so plentifully was the ability to laugh at life’s tribulations. In the week since his death, many of us have seen clips of television interviews with Robin over the years in which he joked about addiction, depression, and even suicide. Being able to address such difficult topics with humor actually