The Association of Heart-Centered Therapies is excited to present our 9th International Conference, October 6-9, 2016, at The Cleveland Clinic Center for Integrative Medicine in Lyndhurst, OH.
The Association of Heart-Centered Therapies provides research, education, and a forum for clinicians around the world practicing Heart-Centered Therapies. Our community of Heart-Centered therapists comes together to share experiences and learn new and exciting dimensions to this profoundly healing and life changing modality.
Heart-Centered Therapies and Transpersonal coaching are paths toward transformation, self-actualization and self-transcendence. Greater transformation, coherence and resilience in our lives, are the milestones of progress on that path. We are excited to meet and greet our past and current Heart-Centered providers and trainers, as well as the many new therapists looking to become a member of a professional network of transformational healers.
Here is the conference schedule. For more detailed information and to register, visit our conference webpage, /conference-2016
9:00 – 4:00 pm The newly revised TRIM-LIFE Weight Release Program 2016 (offered through The Cleveland Clinic) - Diane Zimberoff, LMFT, creator of TRIM-LIFE
You will also learn:
9:00 – 4:00 pm The Power Of the Breath: The Access Point to Healing and Integration - Carol Lampman, BTT, ACHT
During this experiential workshop, you will explore the breath as an altered state method and how it can be incorporated with other therapeutic methods, such as Hypnotherapy. The breath is an energetic process which accesses the four levels of our being… Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.
7:00 – 8:00 am Morning “kirtan”: heart-opening live music with the group, Enchanted Heart
9:00 – 4:00 pm Uncovering Your Past Lives Paves the Road to Self-transcendence - Diane Zimberoff, LMFT and Dr. Yvonne Christman, PhD
Discover your karmic strands in order to see the bigger picture. Discover and begin to heal ambivalence and resistance to life. Discover and continue to refine your Soul’s purpose of being here at this time and place.
Learn how to untangle your karmic strands that inhibit you from realizing your true potential, to more precisely clarify your soul’s purpose and thus diminish ambivalence and resistance to being on this planet. Discover and make intentional use of conscious support in your life.
This will be a fun, highly experiential day of profound exploration and discovery.
7:00 – 8:00 am Morning “kirtan” live music with Enchanted Heart
9:00 – 10:00 am Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Roizen, MD speaking on Integrative Medicine
Dr. Michael Roizen is Chief Wellness Officer at The Cleveland Clinic. He is author or coauthor of five New York Times #1 best sellers, including Real Age and four in the YOU series, coauthored with Dr. Mehmet Oz.
5:30 – 7:00 pm Conference Dinner
7:00 - 9:00 pm Evening Musical Entertainment and Dancing with The Blues Drivers
7:00 – 8:00 am Morning live “kirtan” music and chanting with Enchanted Heart
9:00 – 10:00 am Self-transcendence and Ego Surrender - David Hartman, LICSW, Trainer and co-founder and Director of The Wellness Institute
10:15 – 11:15 am Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Roizen, MD speaking on Integrative Medicine
Dr. Michael Roizen is Chief Wellness Officer at The Cleveland Clinic. He is author or coauthor of five New York Times #1 best sellers, including Real Age and four in the YOU series, coauthored with Dr. Mehmet Oz.
11:30 – 12:00 pm Conference Closing with David Hartman, Diane Zimberoff