FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is a term that came into use in the early 2000s, about the same time social media swept through society like a violent wildfire. FOMO is intrinsically linked to social media. The ability for people to display who their friends are and what they do with them has created a two-pronged stimulus that often triggers clients’
What does prosperity mean to you? For most people, visions of riches and worldly possessions come to mind when they envision what it means to prosper. This is, of course, a valid view of prosperity, but it’s not the only one.
So many clients, too many, in fact, arrive at their therapists’ office in a state of total burnout.
It’s true that everyone has the right to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that all belief systems serve the best interests of our clients. This is especially true when we detect that our clients’ beliefs prevent them from fulfilling their desires, or even live up to their own expectations.
Belief systems
Parents can accept the “terrible twos,” that moment in every child’s life when the honeymoon period parents experience with their infants come to an abrupt end. “NO!” the toddler screams, and doting parents look at one another knowingly as they concede that the time has come to deal with this inevitable time period in the
Social cognition, or the ways people perceive their reality in relation to the societies in which they live, is an important component of mental health. A person’s perception of things such as self-worth, competence, confidence, and feeling of belonging is often informed by the way they feel they are being seen, or in some cases, not being seen,
Hypnotherapists take a lot of ribbing, from colleagues as well as the clients they serve. “Are you going to make me cluck like a chicken?” “That’s just a bunch of hocus-pocus.” “I saw something like that at a bowling banquet. How can it possibly be therapeutic?”
These are just some of the questions and
In the mid 1980s, I was a young marriage and family therapist seeing a wide variety of clients. Women would come in who were being abused by their husbands or boyfriends, mothers would bring in children who were angry or depressed and refused to go to school, and then there were the families of young sexual abuse victims. On many days, I felt overwhelmed
Hypnotherapy and EMDR are both exceptionally effective and popular modalities that millions of therapists use. Any choice concerning the two of them is not a matter of “Which one is better?” or “Is one easier than the other to learn?” Therapists who have been trained in both hypnotherapy and EMDR will tell you that they both,
The idea of the mind-body connection isn’t new. It was only when the scientific revolution of 300 years ago or so fragmented our senses of being into various parts that healers stopped treating the mind and body as a whole. The word psychosomatic exists to explain ailments that are as much of a product of mind as they are of body.
Ahhhh…the bliss of that first meeting of the ones we choose to be with! Whether it’s a loving partnership, a friendship, or even a reunion with family members we used to know so well, things don’t always remain in that blissful state as relationships go through their cycles.
One of the biggest obstacles to relationship harmony