It’s true that everyone has the right to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that all belief systems serve the best interests of our clients. This is especially true when we detect that our clients’ beliefs prevent them from fulfilling their desires, or even live up to their own expectations. 
Belief systems develop in different ways. Some result from outside indoctrination, while others evolve from experiences a person may have had at an earlier time. In any event, people are not always aware of the sources of their belief systems, even in cases where they do not serve them well.  
For instance, a person who believes “All the women in our family have bad luck with men” or “You’ll never be as successful as your father” is, in some sense, “programmed” to make these beliefs come true. If clients with beliefs of this nature are not consciously aware of the destructive nature of these ideas, they will unconsciously continue to create life situations that prove them to be the way things are. 
When a therapist senses there is a negative belief system at work beneath the surface of a patient’s unhappiness or chaos, the daunting task of bringing the client’s attention to it can be overwhelming. It can take a very long time to use ordinary talk therapy to achieve progress toward uncovering the faulty beliefs and bringing the client to a point where change can take place. When elements of the subconscious mind are responsible for behavior that undermine a client’s ability to live a satisfying life, the best way to help the client is by opening up a channel of communication between the two segments of the client’s being. 

Hypnotherapy opens communication channels and brings immediate insight 

Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based clinical modality that is built upon this communication between the subconscious and conscious sectors of the mind. Once placed into a light state of trance, the client can be brought to awareness of faulty behavior patterns simply by examining the feelings experienced as the result of a recent event.  
Once the emotions are expressed in a healthy way, the therapist can then trace the faulty belief system back to its source through age regression. In this segment of the hypnotherapy session, the client is united to let another time when they had the same or similar feelings come up for examination. Here is where a client may discover they had always been told they would never succeed, or came to believe they were powerless because of the way they were abused by a parent, sibling, or another family member or authority figure.  
A corrective experience, consisting of the opportunity to express emotions that have been repressed for so long, helps the client to see things differently. With a fresh perspective, the client begins to see how this old reaction to a traumatic event has shaped a belief system that no longer serves his or her best interest. The thought pattern of being helpless or powerless can now be seen as something that may have been appropriate in the past, but does not have to dictate life in the present. 
The therapist can help the client draw these connections, and reinforce the new perception with healing experiences and positive affirmations they can use to bolster confidence in daily life. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective, but not all methods of hypnotherapy are the same. At The Wellness Institute, there is a unique way of administering and teaching hypnotherapy that is as effective as it is fulfilling. 

Uniting clinical and transpersonal healing 

The Wellness Institute, from its inception, has been focused on tools that can be used to heal clients holistically, and ensure that those who are trained by the Institute engage in their own healing. A few of the things you will notice about Wellness Hypnotherapy training and Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® that distinguish it from other methods include: 

  • focus on the client’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health 
  • full expression of repressed emotions
  • interaction with the client’s inner child 
  • retrieval of lost parts of the client’s being (courage, trust, etc.) 
  • resourcing and titration 
  • NLP-based techniques to reinforce new decisions about behavior 
  • direct treatment of issues ranging from codependency and addiction to eating disorders 
  • emphasis of the connection between mind and body (somatically-focused techniques) 
  • integration of clinical and spiritual healing 
  • hands-on experiential learning with your peers and under close supervision 

Our Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program is taught totally online, by highly qualified teachers, in real time. You will have extensive opportunities to ask questions and make comments during the didactic sections. There will be demonstration sessions, both live and via recording, most of them showing Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® as practiced by the Institute’s founder, Diane Zimberoff. 
The experiential work consists of actual sessions. Each participant gets the two chances to be therapist, client, and observer, and all sessions are supervised by seasoned Heart-Centered Hypnotherapists® who volunteer to support participants as they learn. 

Learn Hypnotherapy in Six Days, and Continue Your Growth with Further Learning 

The Wellness Institute’s decades of educational experience has produced a community consisting of thousands of like-minded therapists. While the initial training takes just Six Days, there are ways to continue your development as a hypnotherapist through our advanced programs. These include: 
The Advanced Internship: an 18-month experience over 8 weekends that allow you to deepen your skills and your own healing, as you address different issues with your peer group. 
Personal Transformation Intensive Leadership: This program immerses you in your own healing through dynamic Heart-Centered Psychodrama, and trains you to conduct your own programs. Expand your practice and share the healing with your clients and others in your community. 
The Mentors Program: This fourth-level class explores the depths of Jungian Psychology, giving participants the opportunity to further their own personal growth as they master new techniques to support their clients’ needs. 

Weekend Seminars: Beginning Summer 2023, The Wellness Institute will offer 2-day seminars on topics that enhance the hypnotherapist’s skills and pique their interest in more advanced topics. Check our website for more information. 
Introduction to Hypnosis: If you’re not sure you want to jump right into hypnotherapy, or if you have friends or colleagues who are not therapists, yet want to benefit from learning about hypnosis, this course is perfect! Over two days, participants learn how to use hypnosis to enhance performance, manage fear and anxiety, ameliorate physical discomfort, and more. 
The Wellness Institute’s unique offerings offer participants experiences that enhance their own well being while they provide new, highly marketable skills. Talk to our enrollment specialist for more details, and get set to 


Enroll in the Six-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program!