Learn hypnotherapy, and take your shot at a better future
How many times have you heard your clients say things such as “If only I had...been a better student, taken that transfer at work, said “yes” to a marriage proposal…” Life can pass us by faster than we might think, and when we look back, just like our clients, we have a few regrets about passing on good opportunities.
Much of the time, the unhappiness and discontent we experience comes from our fear of taking a shot at something that can be a big breakthrough, or a profound failure. We begin to worry about things like missing that shot, making mistakes, and wishing we’d played it safe.
There’s a lot to be said for that life strategy. You don’t risk your reputation or lose any money. However, you also miss out on a lot. In times like these, when the mental health profession is changing so rapidly, it might be time for you to take a chance on learning and doing something that changes the face of your mental health practice.
You are guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you don’t take
Even if you don’t make a perfect score because you miss a shot at some kind of professional or personal adventure, the world won’t end. You can always recover, and accept the wisdom you get from having the experience.
On the other hand, if you don’t take a few risks here and there, you’re sure to miss every shot you might have had at success, happiness and contentment. In other words, playing it safe isn’t the same thing as playing it smart. There are times when it’s worth it to branch out and let yourself expand into a fuller and more meaningful version of who you are.
This is true of your clients, and it also applies to you as a therapist. Many times, when people ask us about hypnotherapy, they’re hesitant to get involved in a modality that seems to depart so radically from their clinical practice. The goal of traditional psychoanalysis and the various schools of therapy that came after it, is to gain access to the unconscious, and that is exactly what hypnotherapy does.
However, it does so very quickly and effectively, bringing surprising and highly satisfactory results. It’s just different, and it might mean you have to take a shot at doing something that’s “out of the box.” It’s true that there are elements of hypnotherapy that seem less structured and clinical, and practicing it can often feel like it’s as much art as science.
This particular feature of hypnotherapy presents opportunities for you to be more creative as a therapist. With hypnotherapy you can:
Taking a shot at hypnotherapy is easy!
What’s more, learning hypnotherapy doesn’t take years, or even months. With the Wellness Institute’s Six-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification program, you can learn basic skills in less than a week. Here are some of the topics you’ll cover:
With more than 5,000 graduates, The Wellness Institute offers a broad and thriving network of hypnotherapists who can support your efforts to integrate this powerful modality into your practice. What’s more, you can keep studying, even once you’re finished with the Six-Day Training and Certification Program.
You can deepen your own healing while you dive deeply into learning how to use hypnotherapy in your practice with our Advanced Internship Program. Expand your practice with our Trim Life weight-release program, or learn how to conduct Personal Transformation Intensive weekends for your client base through our PTI Leadership program. You’ll gain more skills, experience your own healing, and in many cases, earn in-class CEUs in the process.
The Wellness Institute offers you a whole new range of experiences that will change your life for the better. Enroll in the Six-Day Training & Certification Program now. Classes for 2022 are filling fast. Go on. Take a shot!