Learn coaching and soar with your clients to success
As therapists, we run into many clients who have completed their trauma work and overcome many of their fears and phobias. Yet, they desire to grow even more. They crave the ability to get their lives aligned with the passion they have, and the purpose they wish to serve.
And...so do you! If you feel like you’re at a crossroads in your therapy practice, coaching can be the perfect way to expand and enhance the services you have to offer clients. When you learn coaching, you expand your own mindset while you learn how to help others do the same.
While therapy can be helpful to people in almost any circumstance, when clients reach this point, a more direct approach to steering clients in the right direction can be far more effective. Coaching, and Transpersonal Coaching in particular, can allow clients in circumstances such as these to make quantum leaps toward the goal of fulfilling their promise and potential.
Therapists who want to help people in this way, either in addition to or instead of traditional schools of therapy, need training that will allow them to coach these clients in the best ways possible. That is why The Wellness Institute has chosen to offer its Transpersonal Coaching Certification program once again!
Transpersonal Coaching: Take your clients to the cutting edge of human potential
The Wellness Institute is positioned perfectly to offer this program. Its features include many techniques that are closely related to Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and the other modalities the Institute has to offer. Transpersonal coaching allows clients to be empowered by the connection with the highest part of their consciousness. This, in turn, permits them to engage in visualization and the ability to turn on the state of “flow” at will.
Enroll in our Transpersonal Coaching Program and Learn how to teach clients:
The best part is, this will help you to do all these things too. As a coach, you’ll be free to work in ways that let you operate outside of the constraints of your psychotherapy practice. For those who wish to build a business that is mostly cash-pay, coaching is and excellent “umbrella” under which you can practice all sorts of transpersonal techniques, including hypnotherapy.
Your next, smart move: The Wellness Transpersonal Life Coach Training Program
While it is geared toward the core competencies of ICF (International Coaching Federation), The Wellness Institute’s Transpersonal Life Coach Training Program is unique. It offers cutting-edge psychotechnologies that are based on neuroscience as well as psycho-spiritual development. Our program places emphasis on the power of the subconscious mind in coaching. It also teaches you how to help clients discover their life purpose, and design the kind of life they long to live.
There are four modules to the program, and the final one presents the business of coaching, which will help you use coaching as a complementary business to your psychotherapy practice, or allow you to market your coaching services as a stand-alone service.
Your program also provides the opportunity to work in small peer groups, so you can try out the powerful techniques you will ultimately use to help your clients. Elective classes illustrate life issues your clients will bring to you, so you can see how your coaching skills can help them navigate life crossroads such as midlife, relationship changes, and professional transitions.
You can also elect to study methods of integrating dream work and imagination into your coaching practice, discover how to conduct group coaching, and learn how to develop a practice that can be used in small and large companies, incorporating leadership assessment and development.
The Wellness Institute Transpersonal Coaching program is easy to integrate into your schedule, too. You will complete the four modules within one year, with about two hours of class time each week. Classes are offered online, so there are no travel or room and board costs to consider. The training is economical, and in actuality, is an investment in your career you can’t afford to pass on.
Get Transpersonal Life Coaching training with The Wellness Institute and expand your professional horizons while you help your coaching clients achieve their highest possible potential!
Classes begin in early 2022.
Contact Desiree now to enroll!