Bring the magic of Heart-Centered Therapies to your clients
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, Hypno-drama, and Breathwork are magical tools, as all Wellness Institute-trained practitioners know so well. While we’re engaged in our learning, we gain a true appreciation of their powers to help us heal. When we take them into our practice, their powers become even more obvious. Yet, it’s not always so easy to remain focused on what our role as therapist or provider really is.
Perhaps the most valuable thing we are taught at Wellness is that if we want to learn to heal others, we first must pursue our own healing process. Healing isn’t something that takes place overnight. Healing is a journey, a trip up the Yellow Brick Road. Along the way, we confront distractions, deviations, and even anxiety and addiction. That is why the experiential nature of Wellness training is so incredibly valuable.
Once we reach the place where we are ready to heal, we are rewarded with the opportunity to reclaim the parts of us we thought had been lost forever. After confronting the pain of the past and learning how to stand up for ourselves, we become reacquainted with our faith, courage, self-esteem, integrity, innocence, and more.
The healing processes we experience at Wellness feels a lot like going to see the “Wizard of Oz.” Once we’ve faced the demons that lurk on our long path, we are finally ready to be bold enough to ask for the parts of us that seemed to be missing. We can be healed through the process of reclaiming that which we held inside, despite our own cluelessness about it being there all along.
It’s a process that requires bravery, belief, and persistence, but it is all so worth it! It’s something that we celebrate, and we certainly want to share. But…how do we bring this to our clients?
Bring it back home
Clients tend to believe that we, as their therapists and practitioners, are their Wizards. They expect us to give them all the answers, make it easy for them to see how they can live a more fulfilling life. They come to us for help with overcoming the effects of trauma, clearing up bad habits, and silencing menacing inner voices.
I don’t know many therapists who are willing, or able, to take on that enormous responsibility. That’s why, just as the Wellness program does in its teachings, it is up to us to impart upon our clients the importance of making a commitment to being actively involved in their own healing process. We are served best by portraying ourselves not as magicians or wizards, but as guides, who are right there with them, to help them find their own way.
To do this, we also have to help our clients discover their own highest selves. Gently, yet persistently, we must empower them to make choices based on the guidance and direction of the divine spark within them.Then they, like the travelers in the Wizard of Oz story, can see that the things they desire - intellect, feeling, courage, and a sense of belonging - are right there inside them. It’s our job, in a sense, to remind them that, the same way Dorothy discovered, all the things they ever needed are right there in their own backyards.
Remember the tools you have at hand
Wellness graduates gain a vast amount of knowledge, but we don’t always know how practical it is to use it in our client sessions. Will a person who’s hung up on job performance be open to undertaking a soul retrieval? Could someone who’s lost in a codependent relationship have the courage to pay attention to and record what happens during dreamtime?
It might be surprising how much people hunger for the nourishment these and other Wellness techniques can give to their souls. It’s wise to gauge your clients’ potential for suspending disbelief, but you’ll serve them well if you expose them to the avenues they could benefit from pursuing.
We all know how important it is to follow the scripts and procedures we’ve been given as tools, it’s equally important to remember all the extra therapeutic treasures we’ve been given. In addition to soul retrieval and dreamwork, these might include:
There are more, of course, but we’ll stick to this list for now, in hope that you might be inspired to peek at your old Six-Day manuals, your Internship and PTIL materials, or your Mentors treasures. Being reminded of the tools you already have is a theme here, right? These techniques will help us show our clients that everything they need to be whole and healed is right there, inside them.
Refresh your skills or resume your own journey
The Wellness Institute’s programs are as active today as they ever were. Six-day hypnotherapy training and certification programs are filling to capacity, while Internships and PTI Leadership programs also continue to thrive. Maybe it’s time for you to resume your own Wellness journey!
Pick up where you left off with the Advanced Internship, expand your practice by becoming a PTI Leader, or take that deep dive you know you need into the Mentors program. In many cases, you can still get CEU credit, too.
The arms and hearts of The Wellness Institute are always open, whether you want to refer a friend or client, continue your own Wellness work, or just reach out and say hi.
We will always cherish the journeys we’ve taken as fellow travelers as we continue to follow that Yellow Brick Road.