Your therapy textbooks were certainly not short on jargon. So you probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that other groups of professionals love to throw around their own insider terms. The business world is especially guilty of this, and one of their favorite abbreviations is ROI.

Like most bits of jargon, ROI is a needlessly technical way to describe a simple concept. It stands for return on investment. Basically, when you spend money (or other resources) on something — hiring a new employee, an updated piece of equipment, a redesigned logo — you hope to get something back, preferably more than you put in.

The amount you get back from any given expenditure, positive or negative, is your return on investment. Smart business people calculate ROI for almost every decision they make.

Why are we talking about ROI on a blog for psychotherapists? It’s not because we want to make you the next Warren Buffett. It’s because we recognize that you’ve already invested quite a bit in your therapy education. If you’ve started your own practice, you’ve already put thousands towards office space, furniture, and marketing your private practice.

Now that you’re thinking about going further with your training, learning a new specialty or treatment modality, it’s fair to ask, “What will I get in return?”

A reputable hypnotherapy training program that results in certification, such as the Wellness Institute, can cost $1,295 or more. Plus, you have to factor in the time away from your practice, the cost of transportation and lodging, and the mental and emotional energy you’ll expend mastering a new way of treating clients.

We realize this is a big investment on your part, so here’s how it will pay you back:

1. Increased Revenue

The primary goal of most therapists isn’t to become rich, but all of us need money to support our families, achieve our personal goals, and fund a comfortable, healthy lifestyle. If you’re looking to take your psychotherapy practice to the next financial level, hypnotherapy training may be one of the best investments you can make.

In our free guide, “How Much Do Hypnotherapists Make,” we explored the revenue potential of hypnotherapy training. We discovered that hypnotherapists can expect to make at least $70,000 per year or more from hypnotherapy; experienced hypnotherapists can easily reach six figures.

The reasons hypnotherapy is so lucrative are due to its speed and efficacy when compared to other treatment methods (more on that below). This allows therapists to:

  • Start their own practices.
  • Get more full-pay (non-insurance) clients.
  • Stop referring out challenging clients.
  • Receive more referrals.
2. Better (and Faster) Results

Traditional treatment methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, can produce excellent results. But for certain clients, results can be slow in coming. In these cases, clients can grow impatient, frustrated, and even give up on treatment.

The challenge with talk therapy is it tends to hover along the surface of a client’s consciousness, slowly making its way inward. Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, is the key to unlocking the subconscious mind, where the emotions, memories, and false conclusions that drive our undesired behaviors are stored.

Where talk therapy may take weeks, months, or years, hypnotherapy has been known to resolve issues in just a handful of sessions.

3. Continuing Education Credits

Organizations such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) help their members stay on top of the latest developments in their fields by requiring regular continuing education coursework. Hypnotherapy training may be good for as many as 60 continuing education contact hours.

You’re going to need the CEs anyway. Why not earn them while learning to serve your clients better?

4. Personal Transformation

We’ve already written about how hypnotherapy can change the lives of your clients. But the training can change your life, as well — and not just financially.

Here are some quotes from therapists who have completed the Six-Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program from the Wellness Institute:

  • “This therapeutic process has also led me to a much greater and deeper appreciation of the workings of the human psyche — including my own!”
  • “For my personal growth, there are no words to really explain how this model saved my life. My practice has grown and, finally, I am able to really help in the healing process of others.”
  • “What began years ago simply as an effort to get CEUs for hypnotherapy has evolved into a profound professional and personal journey.”
  • “Hypnotherapy also helped me connect more with my spiritual self, a piece that has always been there but somehow tucked away inside and did not experience growth.”

Read more about the life-altering experiences of people who have undergone hypnotherapy training in our free guide, “23 Stories of How Hypnotherapy Training Helped These 23 Graduates.”

ROI Isn’t Just Business Jargon

As a therapist, you know that if we direct our energy and resources into the right outlets, they can pay us back many times over. This isn’t just a financial calculation; it’s the reason you work with your clients to develop positive habits and helpful behaviors.

For the four reasons described in this article and many others, hypnotherapy training can turn out to be one of the most profitable investments of your lifetime. Click here to learn more about hypnotherapy training.
