Shame takes an enormous toll on the psyche. Once it is rooted there, it sprouts negative thoughts about the Self, and gives rise to the various psychological issues that emanate from them. Shame is often the predominant emotion fueling the difficulties that incite so many clients to go to therapy in the first place.
Most people believe they know what shame is. How often have you heard, or even spoken, the words, “Shame on you” or “Shame on me”? Usually, comments such as these are doled out when someone does or says something that is offensive, harmful, or even simply against the rules. For the most part, we may not think much about it.
While most adults believe they can shirk off comments of this nature, it’s not always the case. Furthermore, children are even less likely to simply “get over” words or events that create shame. When this shame is not released and the wounds continue to fester, people carry this shame into adulthood, usually unaware of its capacity to undermine their behavior.
Closer examination of the correlation between certain behavior patterns and early experiences of being shamed demonstrate how much impact shame can have on a person. Shame differs from guilt. When a person feels guilty, it’s because they did something wrong. In contrast, the person who feels shame is more likely to say, “Something is wrong with me.”
This article written by Michaela B. Swee and Susan Murray for Psyche offers suggestions on how to cope with shame. The authors describe shame and why it impacts human beings to such a great degree like this:
“Shame is rooted in how we view ourselves in relation to others and how we think others might perceive us. From an evolutionary perspective, survival…has long depended on one’s ability to remain a part of the group.”
Certainly, it’s extremely painful when a child, or even an adult, is shamed by an authority figure or a peer group. As they point out the effects of shame, these authors state:
“Shame is strongly associated with a host of psychological disorders, including depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and trauma- and stressor-related disorders.”
Knowing what shame is, and how damaging it can be, what can therapists do to treat it? The Psyche article offers suggestions ranging from identifying the source of the shame to writing a letter to oneself to release it. While this kind of therapy can help, it’s likely that getting to the roots of shame, and reframing difficult behavior, will be a long and arduous process.
There is a way to not only cope with shame, but learn how to release it and heal it. Because hypnotherapy allows clients to gain access to their subconscious and unconscious minds through induction and age regression, it’s much easier for them to identify and release shame. The roots of shame may come from events in childhood that make people feel “less than” others, either through direct abuse or their own perception that they are unworthy of being loved.
In hypnotherapy, the client is guided through a process that connects current feelings of unworthiness to the events that may have brought them about. Once regressed to these experiences, clients are able to release the shame, and perhaps “give it back” to the caregiver, teacher, or bully that put it on them. Gestalt techniques might be used, giving the client a chance to throw away the shame by tossing pillows or soft balls toward a safe surface. Titration of the emotion of shame can be effective, as well. This allows the client to replace shaming thoughts and words with positive, supportive affirmations through a direct conversation with the Inner Child.
Hypnotherapy a powerful tool for any therapist who wishes to help clients find ways of releasing shame. Moreover, it hastens the process of discovering the sources of shame, becoming aware of the connections to current issues, and letting clients understand that their old idea of “something is wrong with me” isn’t valid. They can learn to release the roots of shame, and then address the behaviors that have arisen from them with a clear picture of who they really are, and what they can ultimately achieve in life, including self-love, contentment, and happiness.
What a gift it is to be able to give your clients a way of releasing the shame that lies at the root of their difficulties! By addressing the unconscious, driving forces behind negative self-image, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and addiction, you speed the process of your client’s therapy, and give them a new and positive way of living their lives.
Hypnotherapy is an extremely incisive modality, but it doesn’t take long to learn. In fact, you can learn how to use hypnotherapy to help your clients heal in less than a week! When you study hypnotherapy online through The Wellness Institute’s Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program, you will learn:
- The history of hypnosis
- Distinctions between hypnosis and hypnotherapy
- Induction and deepening techniques
- Age regression
- Emotional release
- Titration and Inner Child healing work
- How to use hypnotherapy to treat issues ranging from codependency and addiction to eating disorders and sexual abuse.
- Marketing your hypnotherapy practice and more!
The training takes place online with live teachers, and includes experiential sessions where you can be therapist, client, and observer, twice within the six day period. The Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program can earn CEUs for you while you acquire these incredibly useful and helpful skills.
Once you complete the course, you become eligible for advanced training at The Wellness Institute. These include the Advanced Internship, Personal Transformation Intensive Leadership (PTI) training, and the Mentorship Program.
Help your clients release the shame that’s lurking underneath all the behaviors they want you to help them change.