What are personality disorders, really? A recent post on Psyche.co explores the topic, and posits alternative means of describing what the DSM and insurance companies classify as personality disorders. The thesis they present states that the conditions psychologists diagnose, from borderline personality and narcissism to depression and anxiety, are really better described as interpersonal difficulties.
The Psyche article cites a study led by Aidan Wright, that argues the label of personality disorder is unhelpful. It can stigmatize the client, and make them believe it’s “just the way they are.” Wright would not only like to see the psychology community come up with new nomenclature, though. He would like to recognize the fact that difficulties people have in their relationships arise from the way they see themselves, formulate their motives, and pursue them. This is what shapes the way we interact with others, after all.
The unconscious and subconscious motivations people develop formulate the self-image, and shape the ways they choose to behave. The problem is, they often suppress and repress the memories of events that lie in these less accessible areas of consciousness. How can we get to those subconscious motivations quickly, and help clients to adjust the ways they see themselves?
Hypnotherapy, particularly when it utilizes age regression, enables clients to revisit the traumatic or disruptive circumstances that have distorted the way they see themselves, and destroyed their relationship with the self. Without a healthy relationship to the self, people seek ways to satisfy their needs for companionship, love, and support from the outside, and often from unhealthy sources.
When clients are taken into a light trance state and invited to revisit times in the past that are at the root of their disturbing behavior, they get the opportunity to release emotions that have been held in their minds, hearts, and bodies for decades. When they let these damaging feelings out, they are liberated from the condition of being dictated to by these repressed thought and feeling patterns.
When you learn Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® at The Wellness Institute, you will become certified in both hypnotherapy and age regression. This allows you to stand out from other therapists, which is one benefit. The real reward is what you can do for your clients.
Do more than simply try to get their conscious minds to retrain their impulses and habit patterns, the way simple hypnosis does. Use the power of age regression to help them not only understand where old ideas and behaviors have come from, but how to reframe them. Old conclusions such as “I have to be just like my narcissistic mother to get her to like me.” can be transformed into “I have the freedom to be who I truly am, and I find comfort and love within myself.”
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy® offers the gift of self-empowerment and self-love, and when you train at The Wellness Institute, you will learn how to be the person who delivers these gifts to your clients. In your live, online session, your teachers will take you through the process of learning techniques in hypnosis, NLP, hypnotherapy, and age regression. You will also see live demonstrations, and sessions on video that show how to use these techniques to treat codependency, addictions, sexual abuse, mind-body issues, eating disorders, and behavior problems in children.
Then, you will get hands-on experience in live hypnotherapy sessions as therapist, observer, and client. Supported by experienced Heart-Centered Hypnotherapists, you will get two rounds to experience what it’s like to both use this powerful modality, benefit from it by doing your own work, and observe the process.
In addition to learning Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and finding new ways to help people overcome what might have been identified as personality disorders, you will become part of a community of thousands of Heart-Centered therapists who share your passion for helping your clients to heal.
In addition to learning Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and finding new ways to help people overcome what might have been identified as personality disorders, you will become part of a community of thousands of Heart-Centered therapists who share your passion for helping your clients to heal.
Once you finish the Six Day Hypnotherapy Training and Certification Program, you continue your healing journey as you develop more skills in hypnotherapy, learn about Heart-Centered Breathwork, and experience Energetic Psychodrama.
The Advanced Internship, Personal Transformation Leadership Training, and Mentors programs enable Wellness Institute participants to continue studying, learning, and growing for years to come. There are many hypnotherapy training programs around these days, as the popularity of hypnotherapy grows, but none come close of offering all that The Wellness Institute gives you.
Earn your certificate as a Certified Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist and receive a second certification in Age Regression!