Perhaps you have a deep seated desire to transition from the field of psychotherapy into the field of coaching. Maybe you’ve been working at a job that pays the bills and you’re ready to dive into your passion of growing people’s dreams. Perhaps you have been waiting for a sign suggesting that it is the right time to take the big leap. Well here you go my friends. Maybe you are interested in shifting the focus and expanding the vision in your own life, so that you can help others do the same?
In our current society so many folks are calling themselves life coaches. But how do they do this? These coaches reach across spectrums and assist individuals in accomplishing monetary, business, and personal goals. Some of the commonly recognized public figures are Tony Robbins, who reminds his clients and students that “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” Martha Beck, who echoes, “Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis.” John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Harv Ecker and so many others. These recognizable figures have truly glamorized the field of Life Coaching, but how can you wave the wand in your life to become one?
In order to truly help you progress forward with the program that suits your lifestyle goals, let’s dig a little deeper and tap into your ‘wants’. By determining your wants, you’ll develop a clearer picture of how you can become a life coach. Take a few minutes to answer these questions.
You know that you’re ready to take the next step toward becoming a Life Coach, so what does that mean for you?
Make an investment in the forward progression of your life. If you don’t know where to start, let us know and we can point you towards one of the graduates of our program. As Martha Beck said, get ready for a “full-on metamorphosis.” As you create a coaching relationship, you’ll begin to unfold into your strengths, resources and internal successes.
Working with a coach allows you to get in touch with your innate potential. If you have yearned to change professions and feel called to move toward life coaching, find a coach that helps you to move toward your goal. In this relationship, you will begin to examine why this is such an important goal for you. You will also be able to envision how your life will look with this goal in place. If you find yourself struggling to reach goals in your life, then connecting with a coach helps you to reach for higher states of consciousness and new levels of meaning.
It can be very beneficial to begin scouring the web for coaching programs that appear to be in alignment with your goals, and then compare what you find with our Transpersonal Life Coaching Program. Some commonly asked questions when beginning your search might be:
Napoleon Hill shared that the starting point of all achievement rests in knowing ‘what your goal is’ both personally and professionally. If you are looking toward the top of Maslow’s pyramid and feel your life moving toward self-actualization, then life coaching might be a perfect fit for you.
As co-founder of The Wellness Institute, David Hartman challenges the Transpersonal Coaching Community: “We know that our goal is to open visionary potential, clear away old blocks that have kept us from seeing our own true light. If you are ready to create a vision for your future and develop new strategies for achieving that vision, get ready to be propelled into higher levels of meaning, life purpose, and identity - your real true identity.
And we know from experience the value of accessing altered states and creating spiritual grounding for this endeavor – whether as coach or as therapist.
Get ready to wave the wand, my friends, and turn your dream of becoming a Life Coach into a reality. Reach out to The Wellness Institute if you have questions regarding our Transpersonal Coaching Program. There are so many rich steps that you can take toward accomplishing your dream of becoming a Life Coach. We look forward to supporting you through this process!
Here is a full listing of our certifiedTranspersonal Life Coaches