element5-digital-jCIMcOpFHig-unsplashWhy selecting the right counseling program is easy?

We won’t be talking about the pros and cons of a counseling career today but pay attention to the right program choice that can open your door to the professional counseling world.

As far as you are looking to find the program, I suppose you are perfectly aware of what counseling psychology means. Perhaps, you just graduated from school or university and want to become a counselor, or, maybe, you need a sip of fresh air and are just at the beginning of your journey into this highly competitive field.

No matter who you are or where you’re from, once you’ve decided to work in counseling, there’s nothing to stop you. We are here to help you choose the best master’s degree program in counseling and make your life easier.

What is the first criterion of the program’s choice?

To meet all the state’s standards and have a right to work as a counselor, your program must be accredited by the CACREP, which is the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Programs. 

If you think this is something exclusive and out-of-ordinary, you’re mistaken. There are around 40 CACREP accredited programs you can do online. 

Speaking about the educational facilities where you can take these courses, there are the New York University, the University of Montevallo, the University of Massachusetts, Winston-Salem State University, the University of Arkansas, the University of Southern Maine, Utah State University, and many more. Google them to find more.

These programs allow you to work in colleges, universities, companies, health facilities, rehabilitation agencies, industrial organizations, and consulting firms. Moreover, you can open up your own office and become self-employed, or work as a private entrepreneur.

What benefits do you get after taking a program?

There are so many great things about master’s programs in counseling, you can’t even imagine! For example, the priceless feedback you won’t find anywhere else. While studying, you are free to ask as many questions as you need and never be afraid to be fired or laughed at. Besides, you learn even faster through real-time discussions with your peers.

The format of your classes provides you with maximum comfort because you study online. No lecture halls, no long time-consuming trips, and no congested university halls. As a student, you will get maximum attention from your teachers.

Another satisfying detail is internship support. You see, when getting a job, you are always asked about the working or practice experience. CACREP accredited programs solve this problem by enabling you to find the most suitable clinical sites that are close to your accommodation. 

The most essential skills you develop through the master’s program

First of all, you learn how to pave your way to the client’s heart, mind, and soul. A successful counselor always has some aces in the hole to open up any case.

Of course, you develop supernatural sensitivity and empathy. You become a good listener and a living pillow to cry into. 

What is more important, through practice and experience you get in accredited programs, you start asking the right questions and speaking to your clients using reflections and paraphrasing techniques.

Jobs and careers in the counseling niche

Here’s to the most exciting part of counseling – your future career prospects and aspirations.

One of the most interesting counseling jobs is a career counselor. It is about devising an effective career strategy that takes into consideration the client’s strengths and weaknesses. These professionals help people build their dream lives.

Military, grief, rehabilitation, and substance abuse counselors are challenge-lovers. Such workers are gods in their clients’ eyes because they do miraculous things. 

Speaking about other counseling jobs, there are also:

  • College counselor
  • Enrollment counselor
  • Child and adolescent counselor
  • School counselor
  • Academic counselor
  • Pastoral counselor
  • Admission Counselor

Author Bio:
This blog was written by Henrik Scwarz, Content Manager and Education Researcher. You can reach him at henriks@onlinecounselingprograms.de