Continue your Wellness journey with the Advanced Internship

Our Six-Day students rave about their training, and many tell us it has been a life-changing experience. Its obvious to us that people can transform greatly, even in the short period of time they engage in their first encounters with Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and The Wellness Institute.

In times of uncertainty like the ones we are in, you must have noticed the anxiety that arises in your clients, and maybe within you, too. There are medical, economic, social, and personal issues that are creating a sort of collective angst,” and we can all use some help and healing.

Six-Day Graduates can go deeper

If youve completed your six-day hypnotherapy training and certification course, youre eligible to move to the next level of your training and your own personal transformation. The Advanced Internship offers a far deeper experience of what you already loved about your six-day experience. In the Advanced Internship, you will:

  • Attend 8 powerful 3-day Workshops over a period of about 18 months, becoming a valued member of a highly supportive Network of high-energy professionals. Training is online, for safety and convenience.

  • Develop group process skills to use in facilitating group work, and learn and incorporate more advanced hypnotherapy techniques.

  • Experience and learn Heart-Centered Breath Therapy, which is highly effective in healing deeper issues, releasing energy blocks, gaining personal clarity, and deepening the spiritual connection.

  • Expand your areas of expertise to include a wide variety of emotional disorders, especially addictions, personality disorders, dissociation and relationship issues.

  • Learn Energetic Psychodrama, a powerful technique which integrates trance work, group work and energy work. This exciting technique will stimulate you to be more effective with groups in all areas of your life.

  • Achieve a high level of personal clarity and be able to manifest your goals. Enrich your life's work” and watch it develop into your spiritual path.

  • Develop deep relationships with your group colleagues that last a lifetime.

Whats new

If you finished your six-day training more than a year or two ago, you need to know whats changed about the Internship experience.

The biggest adjustment to the times has taken place with the format.The Advanced Internship is now offered totally online. We have developed a unique way of offering this training, via Zoom. We have had great success in teaching didactic material and experiencing the unique exercises contained in the Internship curriculum. Here are some more advantages:

No travel required. You no longer have to spend money and time flying or driving to a retreat site. You can participate fully in the Internship in your office or home.

Reduced cost. No more room and board charges! You take care of your own nourishment needs and get to sleep in your own bed.

Same hands-on training. Your teachers will guide you through the process of deepening your hypnotherapy skills, and assist you as you expand and grow through your own process of transformation.

A wide-ranging community. Now that people can easily  join the training from anywhere on this planet, youll meet a diverse range of fellow travelers as you take this journey.

Updated processes to meet todays needs. Many of the processes we did before have been adapted to fit the changes weve had in our society, as well as to fit over the Zoom format.

Learn to work remotely with clients. In your Advanced Internship, youll learn how to adapt the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy to an online format that can vastly expand your practice.

Experienced teachers. All of our teachers have been trained by The Wellness Institute and continue to do their own personal transformation work, so they may serve you with curious minds and wide-open hearts.

If you remain unconvinced that you can get the deep experience you need from a Zoom-based Advanced Internship, consider this comment from one of our teachers:

In our essence, we are all beings of light. It makes sense, then, to see how sending our intentions for help and healing over cyberspace has the same effect as being in person. Our Oneness becomes undeniable.” 

Enroll now

Many new students are already well through their Advanced Internship course now, and our future classes are filling up quickly. Check out this course description for more information, and get ready to reserve your space. You owe it to yourself and your clients to go deeper and heal even more profoundly. Click here to contact us, and continue your journey!

“And…refer a colleague or friend to the six day and get a $100 bonus you can apply to your Internship tuition!"