Come home to your niche in the new economy with Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy
You probably hear more than once a day how workers are shifting from one kind of professional position to the next. Some people are losing their jobs, while others are quitting their jobs, searching for higher paying, more satisfying ways to make a living. Some families have one member opting for retirement, while another might work a job for the sole purpose of getting benefits for the whole family.
The COVID-19 pandemic certainly forced many of our clients to regain or revise their perspectives on what a “job” is, and how they can best achieve a healthy work-life balance. Some are making WFH (Work From Home) a permanent thing, while others are champing at the bit to get back to the office. Then of course, some go to the office a few days a week, and work from home the rest of the time. As you work with clients such as these, does the urge to make some changes in your work life become a burning desire?
The old grind in the new normal
Things about the way you work have probably changed over the last few years, too. Many therapists use telehealth to a great extent, while others have modified their treatment plans to accommodate the precautions that must be taken when meeting in person.
The state of the pandemic-infested world, and the reactions among the general population, have contributed to a major surge in mental health issues. The United Nations was aware of this situation early in the game, as evidenced by this policy brief. The human being’s capacity to adapt to daily doses of shocking news reports, raising the specter of widespread death, has its limits. The isolation and separation from family and friends made it even more painful and anxiety-provoking.
Therapists are not immune from the adverse effects of living through a pandemic, and the ensuing psychological shock. Hearing the concerns of clients and patients magnifies the same troublesome thoughts and worries that are very natural reactions to the current situation our world is in.
For this reason alone, it would seem reasonable to think about making changes from long days of talk therapy sessions. Or, maybe you work in a clinic, where it seems there are more patients on your schedule every day, and insurance paying you less than ever before. It could be time to move into something more dynamic and effective, maybe even not having to report to a supervisor anymore.
Fresh skills and a unique niche: Hypnotherapy
The best way to make big changes is to gain new skills. Meeting current challenges with these new skills will ensure your success, both in terms of patient results and financial security. How can you best achieve this?
There is a lot of material in the contemporary zeitgeist that is focused on shock and trauma and how to treat it. Certainly, that is what many are going through in these times. And most definitely, treating the trauma at the root of people’s anxiety will accelerate their progress in therapy.
You may already be aware of this, but in the event you are not, you need to know how powerful Heart Centered Hypnotherapy is as a tool for doing just that. By relaxing the client, and guiding them through regressions that lead to the source of trauma, you give them opportunities they’ve never been given before.
Once regressed, the client can give a voice to the emotions that are “stuck” in their minds, release them, and identify how past trauma shapes their current behavior. Then, after examining how old, destructive conclusions influenced them in the past, they can heal by forming new, positive behavior patterns that serve their best interests in life.
Hypnotherapy is useful for clients with anxiety, but it is also extremely effective at healing addictions, sexual abuse, relationship problems, eating disorders, codependency, and just about any kind of psycho-spiritual “dis-ease” that is rooted in early traumatic experience. What’s more, learning hypnotherapy is much easier than you might imagine. You can be trained and certified as a hypnotherapist in just six days with online classes from The Wellness Institute!
Infinite possibilities
Learning hypnotherapy, whether you fold it into your current practice or decide to practice it exclusively, will give you the opportunity to make the changes you want. Here are just some of the things you can do;
The Six-Day Training and Certification Course in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy is taught totally online. You will learn how to conduct your own sessions online, as well. You will be guided step by step through the process, and given an opportunity to be therapist, client, and observer two times during the six day session.
From there, or if you’re already a six-day graduate, you can deepen your own healing and broaden your skills in the Advanced Internship, or offer Personal Transformation weekends to your clients and the general public, once you complete PTI Leadership training. Our Mentorship program allows you to delve deeply into the subconscious, using the mesmerizing techniques of Carl Jung.
The Transpersonal Coaching Certification Program and Trim Life™ Weight Release Program are also available to Six-Day graduates. These programs equip you with ways to diversify and expand your practice, offering you a whole new range of possibilities!
It seems trite to describe the pandemic as a reason for us to deal with adversity so we can develop adaptability, but it’s true. The pandemic has shown so many of us, what we really want, and how we want our lives to be. Don’t wait to change your life. Do the things you want. Help your clients and patients to heal faster and more completely. Empower yourself to expand your capabilities and achieve success and satisfaction.