We all have a stress switch in our nervous system and in our brain. Sometimes I think of it as the “trickster” within. The good news: hypnotherapy can help you treat stress. Let’s begin to find what activates this switch and what can turn it off.
We have all been taught to do relaxation
Today, we're going to talk about treating trauma by breaking through dissociation that is so common with traumatic events.
Many traumatized individuals alternate between re-experiencing their trauma and being detached from, or even relatively unaware of the trauma and its effects. It can be very confusing, for the individual and for those
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unbidden obsessive thoughts and/or compulsory physical activities that are experienced as dysfunctional. Some OCD conditions are clearly genetic; research has demonstrated the significant role played by heredity. Some OCD conditions can be explained by certain information-processing deficits and/or
“We don't deal well with death and dying in this culture," says Roland Griffiths, PhD, a professor of behavioral biology and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Being diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease often leads to a kind of chronic syndrome of anxiety, depression and emotional distress.
Those final
A physician was asking me yesterday, “How can hypnotherapy work with a patient who is addicted to pain medication? sleeping
Here are some of the symptoms:
1)Depression, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning
2)Being unable to sleep, tossing and turning all night
3)Feeling like nothing really matters, “What’s the use?” is a common expression
Most of us want to achieve the highest possible level of performance at what we do, whether it be in our career, our relationships, our hobbies, or even in our personal development. An imposing impediment to that goal is performance anxiety: “choking up” just when free flowing confidence is most needed. We have discussed some ways of recognizing and
How does cognitive therapy compare to hypnotherapy in releasing these negative thoughts?
Many people have spent thousands of hours and dollars going to therapy to try to remove their life-long, self-defeating thought patterns. If you are one of those people, perhaps you are aware of low self esteem, deep down feelings that you are not as good