The gift of releasing post-pandemic weight with TRIM-LIFE®
The heavy truth
The effects of the pandemic haven’t totally stopped yet, nor have the waves of stress and fear that it brought along with it. As the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns - and the virus - continue to spread, so does the anxiety that leads to compulsive behavior.
In a search for comfort in a world that is so uncertain, many people have turned to soothing themselves with excess food. According to the Mayo Clinic, the pandemic has exacerbated the obesity epidemic to the point where 70 percent of Americans could be classified as obese.
How did this happen? The shift in lifestyle COVID-19 shutdowns brought about got people intensely interested in food. Now, they buy more, cook more, order more fast food deliveries, and binge on junk food while gazing at the latest streaming entertainment sensation.
The desire to have something within our control, as well as the easy lifestyle of no longer having to fit into any clothing besides stretchy pants and oversized shirts have also contributed to a collective increase in our society’s girth.
To make things even worse, fitness centers and sports programs have been closed, and although some have reopened, they could be shut down again. Also, people who work from home tend to move around a lot less than they used to, even if they just walked a few blocks to their office. This lack of mobility has definitely helped to tip the scales in the wrong direction.
Obviously, the psychological effects of the pandemic have taken their toll on society. How can mental health practitioners help to turn things around?
TRIM-LIFE® benefits your clients:
Whether you believe the pandemic is over, or you’ve battened down the hatches for the next wave, variant, or outbreak, you can take action and help your clients maintain their health, as well.
In times such as these, we need the TRIM-LIFE® program, a proven mainstay of Wellness Institute programs, more than ever! With TRIM-LIFE®, you can help your clients release excess weight while you watch your practice grow.
TRIM-LIFE® is not a typical weight loss program. There are no diets or severe restrictions involved, and there is no focus on numbers such as weight or body measurements.
At the Wellness Institute, we prefer to inform clients they are releasing weight, so they don’t see their weight “loss” as something they might wind up getting back someday. Here are 4 ways the TRIM-LIFE® program gets your clients to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle as they release excess weight:
TRIM-LIFE® expands your practice:
Now, let’s examine the ways TRIM-LIFE® can help you to expand your practice.
The TRIM-LIFE® program is taught by more than 600 providers in 40 states, and there’s plenty of demand for more providers. You have every to join this revolutionary movement. Bring better health and happiness to your clients - and you.
The TRIM-LIFE® program is licensed through The Wellness Institute. Click here for more information.
And…if you’re not yet confident about starting a class, marketing it, or taking TRIM-LIFE to Zoom, there is help! Kelly Bearer, who has adapted many Wellness programs to Zoom, offers a TRIM-LIFE® provider training course to get you schooled in how to run TRIM-LIFE® classes, either online or in-person.
If, in the face of this pandemic, you want to bring a supportive service to your clients, expand your practice, and make the world a better place, there’s no better way to do it than becoming a TRIM-LIFE® provider!
Click here to get more information, and start changing lives, and your world, with TRIM-LIFE® today!